Minimog theme
Minimog theme

An all-in-one next-gen theme to set up and launch your store quickly.


Version 5.3.0

Jul 3rd, 2024

Minimog version 5.3.0, we introduce the Visual Filters feature in the Shopify Search & Discovery app. Additionally, we have improved and fixed some issues.


  • Added integration code for the Trustify Review app
  • Introduced Visual Filters in the Shopify Search & Discovery app

Fixes & improvements:

  • Improved image rendering for better performance
  • Fixed issue Before/After image block not work for Custom content section
  • Fixed issue Variant group images some time not work on mobile
  • Fixed issue broken layout for password template
  • Fixed issue price range filter not work for some currency
  • Fixed issue product media not show in Featured product section
  • Fixed minor bugs

Version 5.2.0

May 10th, 2024



Fixes & improvements:

  • Improved variant group image functionality to support sorting images function in the FoxKit app
  • Improved RTL style
  • Fixed missing style for collection card
  • Fixed the issue where only 20 products were displayed per page when using a section containing product input settings
  • Fixed the issue of mismatched discount prices displayed when switching between variants
  • Fixed minor bugs

Version 5.1.0

Mar 8th, 2024

We have introduced 12+ new beautiful demos and added 10+ new creative sections.


Fixes & improvements:

  • Improve Header transparent on mobile
  • Improve the Main collection banner section
  • improve design for collection filter colors
  • Fixed can't click poster image for section video
  • Fixed minor bugs

Version 5.0.2

Jan 25th, 2024

Fixes & improvements:

  • Fixed the bug causing a broken style for article content.
  • Fixed the color scheme for the Featured Promotion section.
  • Fixed the condition of the product inventory status in the product card.
  • Fixed the issue where the variant picker type 'select' was not working.
  • Fixed the problem with the product bundle not functioning.
  • Fixed the display of the recently viewed section header, even when there were no products.
  • Improved and added missing keywords for multiple languages.

Version 5.0.1

Jan 16th, 2024

Fixes & improvements:

  • We fixed some minor bugs in CSS

Version 5.0.0

Jan 15th, 2024

Starting with version 5.0.0, we've introduced exciting new features! You can now customize your sections with a wider range of color schemes and adjust the spacing around them by adding padding on top & bottom.

After updating your theme, you might need to fine-tune the colors and spacing for some sections. Don't hesitate to reach out to our live chat team if you need any assistance!


Fixes & improvements:

  • Improved UI for cart add-ons on the cart page and cart drawer
  • Improved style for elements from rich text editor content
  • Improved section Recently viewed products
  • Improved product cards on mobile
  • Fixed bug in sale badge when switching variant
  • Fixed minor bugs

Version 4.1.0

Nov 20th, 2023


  • Added new field: 'Send on' in recipient form for gift card products
  • Added custom icon for page loading effect
  • Added help text for sections/blocks and settings to link to video tutorials & help articles


Fixes & improvements:

  • Supported Webp image for variant images
  • Fixed theme scripts do not work when creating pages with page builder apps
  • Fixed sale badge does not show when the product sold out
  • Fixed product card style broken in wishlist & compare page
  • Fixed product media & variant picker not working on draft products
  • Fixed the sticky add to cart displayed when the button adds to cart is still on the screen.
  • Fixed the cover image not showing of Video section.
  • Fixed the Country/language selector not working on the top bar section.
  • Fixed the navigation in the slider at some sections not showing on the small screen.
  • We replaced the accordion element with the element tab for the 'Product detail tab' section on the mobile, to fix the content overlaying on other sections.

Version 4.0.0

Sep 14th, 2023

We refactored & optimized the HTML and CSS/JS files to reduce dom size, improve performance, and make the code clean & clear, easy to understand and customize if needed.


  • Added new settings font size for H1-H4 tags


  • We removed the Tailwind library from the project and replaced all Tailwind classes with our own classes and CSS

Fixes & improvements:

  • Fixed bug 'Translate missing' error for content
  • Fixed product variants switcher not working when variant value has special characters
  • Fixed bug missing image alt
  • Fixed bug sale badge not working
  • Fixed bug images do not show in the product description
  • Fixed bug sold-out badge not working in product card
  • Fixed cart attributes not working
  • Fixed cart count not update when first time add product
  • Fixed minor bugs

Version 3.5.0

Jun 6th, 2023


  • Added "Recipient information form" to the gift card product
  • Added "Follow on Shop" button
  • Added "Animations" setting to theme settings and section levels
  • Added mega menu add-ons (banner, collections, products list, blogs post) for menu mobile
  • Added support focal point image for 'Image with text overlay' & 'Collection banner' sections
  • Added new types 'Text' & 'Fixed amount' for sale badge


  • The section [Foxkit] Related product and blocks Countdown timer, Stock countdown in the Product information section has been deprecated. Please use the FoxKit app blocks instead. Learn more.

Fixes & improvements:

  • Fixed the issue of the collapsible tab working incorrectly on mobile
  • Fixed the issue of product duplication on the collection page when the number of products per page was set to more than 48.
  • Fixed minor CSS issues

Version 3.4.0

Apr 25th, 2023

Minimog 3.4.0 introduces section groups which is a new feature that levels up theme architecture, it allows we can add a section everywhere.


  • Added section groups for the Header and Footer
  • Added a new feature: Gift wrap option
  • Added a new feature: Age verifier pop-up
  • Added a new option ‘Video ratio’ for the Video hero section
  • Added a new video type ‘Shopify hosted’ for the Video section

Fixes & improvements:

  • Updated to hide the popular search text when there are no popular search keywords
  • Improved the Product image zoom
  • Improved the Video section
  • Fixed the new customer account not working on mobile
  • Fixed the discount code saved on the cart page not auto-applying on the checkout page
  • Fixed the incorrect total price of the product bundle
  • Fixed the blurry product card images when filtering on Safari
  • Fixed the style of the Product complementary block in the Product information section
  • Fixed the Featured slider section not working correctly
  • Fixed the price on the ‘Select option’ pop-up not changing when selecting variants
  • Fixed the breadcrumbs to show the correct collection
  • Fixed minor bugs